Tuesday 27 September 2016

Curriculum Night

Welcome to Grade 2!

As a team, the grade 2 teachers have outlined the curriculum expectations for the year. These can all be found in the Ontario Curriculum Documents if you are looking for more information.

Language Arts (Expectations by the end of Grade 2)
Oral Communication
  1. Listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes.
  2. Use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different         audiences for a variety of purposes.
  3. Reflect on and identify their strengths as listeners and speakers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in oral communication situations.
  1. Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
  2. Recognize a variety of text forms and features and demonstrate how they communicate meaning.
  3. Reflect on and identify their strengths as readers, and the strategies they found most useful before, during and after reading.
  1. Generate, gather and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience.
  2. Draft and revise their writing, using a variety of informational, literary and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience.
  3. Use editing and proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies, and knowledge of language conventions to correct errors, refine expression and present their work effectively.  
  4. Reflect on and identify their strengths as writers, areas for improvement and the strategies they found most helpful at different stages of the writing process.
Media Literacy
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of texts.
  2. Identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning.
  3. Create a different form of media texts for different audiences.

Math (Expectations by the end of Grade 2)
Numeration and Number Sense
  1. Read, represent, compare and order numbers to 100 and use concrete materials to represent fractions and money amounts to $1
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of magnitude by counting forward to 200 and backwards from 50, using multiples of various numbers as starting points.  
  3. Solve problems using addition and subtraction of one and two digit whole numbers using a variety of strategies and investigate multiplication and division.
  1. Estimate and record length, perimeter, mass and capacity, time and temperature, using non-standard and standard measurement.
  2. Compare, describe and order objects using attributes measured in non-standard units and standard units.
Geometry and Spatial Sense
  1. Identify 2D Shapes and 3D Figures and sort and classify them by their geometric properties.
  2. Compose and decompose 2D Shapes and 3D Figures.
  3. Describe and represent the relative locations of objects, and represent objects on a map.
Patterning and Algebra
  1. Identify, describe and extend and create repeating patterns, growing and shrinking patterns.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of equality between pairs of expressions, using concrete materials, symbols and addition and subtraction to 18.
Data Management and Probability
  1. Collect and organize data and display the data using tally charts, concrete graphs, pictographs, line plots, simple bar graphs, and other graphic organizers, with labels ordered appropriately along horizontal axis as needed.  
  2. Read and describe data represented in a tally chart and concrete graphs.
  3. Describe probability in everyday situations and simple games.

Science & Social Studies (Expectations by the end of Grade 2 )
Growth and Changes in Animals
  1. Assess ways in which animals have an impact on society and the environment.
  2. Investigate similarities and differences in the characteristics of different animals.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding that animals grow and change and have distinct characteristics.
  1. Assess the impact on society and the environment of simple machines and mechanisms.
  2. Investigate mechanisms that include simple machines and enable movement.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of movement and ways in which simple machines help to move objects.
Properties of Liquid and Solids
  1. Assess the ways in which liquid and solids can have an impact on society and the environment.
  2. Investigate the properties of and interactions between liquids and solids.

Air and Water in the Environment
  1. Assess the ways in which the actions of humans have an impact on the quality of air and water, and ways in which the quality of air and water have an impact on living things.
  2. Investigate the characteristics of air and water.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which air and water are used by living things to help them meet their basic needs.

Social Studies (Expectations by the end of Grade 2)
Changing Family and Community Traditions
  1. Compare some significant traditions and celebrations among diverse groups and at different times, and identify some the reasons for changes in these traditions/celebrations.
  2. Use the inquiry process to investigate some of the past and present traditions and celebrations within their own family and the communities to which they belong.
  3. Describe some of the major groups in their community, including different types of families, and some of the ways in which tradition and heritage are passed on by such groups.
People and the Environment and Global Communities
  1. Describe some similarities and differences in the ways in which people in two or more communities in different parts of the world meet their needs and have adapted to location and climate.
  2. Identify and locate various physical features and selected communities around the world, and describe some aspect of people’s ways of life in those communities.

The Arts (Expectations by the end of Grade 2)
  1. Create and present dance in a creative process.
  2. Reflect, respond and analyse dance to communicate their feelings.
  3. Explore forms and cultural contexts of a variety of dance forms.
  1. Create, present and apply the creative process to dramatic play.
  2. Reflect, respond and analyse to communicate feelings and understandings in response to a variety of drama works.
  3. Explore different forms and cultural contexts.
Visual Arts
  1. Create and present the visual process to produce a variety of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional art works.
  2. Apply artwork to communicate feelings, ideas and understandings in response to experience.
  3. Explore forms and cultural contexts and techniques from past and present.

Phys-Ed & Health (Expectations by the end of Grade 2)
Living Skills
  1. use self awareness and self monitoring skills to help them understand their strengths and needs.
Active Living
  1. participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of the value of regular physical activity in their daily lives.
  1. Demonstrate the importance of being physically active.
  2. Demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.
Movement Skills, Concepts and Strategies
  1. Perform movement skills demonstrating the basic requirements of the skills and applying them in a variety of physical activities.
  2. Apply movement skills appropriately.
Healthy Living
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of being healthy.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being - how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being.

Friday 16 September 2016

Math Update!!

Here are some pictures of the fun we have been having in Math!
We have been creating patterns using different manipulatives and using math words to describe them.

We have also been sorting in different ways.  Which ways are these pictures being sorted by?

Wednesday 7 September 2016


Agendas are $5.00 each.  My newsletter said $4.00.  I apologize for the mix-up!!

Tuesday 6 September 2016

September Newsletter

Grade 2 Newsletter
Rick Hansen Public School
September 2016
Ms. Brown
Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back to an exciting new year of school at Rick Hansen Public School! My name is Ms. Brown and I will be your child’s Grade 2 homeroom teacher.  I am looking forward to a wonderful year with your child filled with many exciting opportunities and new learning experiences.  This newsletter contains important information about our Grade 2 classroom and routines.

Agendas and BEE Bags
Each student at Rick Hansen P.S. will use an agenda. The agenda will help your child learn to keep track of homework and remember important dates.  It will be an important tool for parent-teacher communication.  Please check the agenda each day for completion of homework and sign your initials.  Please sign even if there is no homework to help keep us consistent with our daily routine.

I strongly recommend getting one of our school agendas.  They are $4.00.  Please send in this money ASAP if you did not already pre-pay for one last year.

BEE bags are our “Bring Everything Everyday” bags.  They will travel to and from school everyday.  For any important documents coming home, there will be a white home folder inside your child’s BEE bag.  Please use this folder to “keep documents at home” or “bring back to school.” 

You are always welcome to leave a note in your child’s agenda if you have any questions or comments and I will respond in a timely manner. 

Teachers in Our Classroom
Mr. Carr – Media Literacy 
Ms. Raczkowski - Social Studies
Mr. Alexander – Music
Ms. Walterhouse – Drama and Dance
Mrs. Ford - Library

Parent Questionnaire
Please complete the questionnaire and return ASAP.  This information is for my reference and will be kept in the classroom.

Class News
Each month I will post updates about what we are learning about in class and upcoming events to our classroom blog. http://brownrhps.blogspot.ca/

Given that there are many serious food allergies at Rick Hansen P.S., we kindly ask that you do not send any food to school for your child’s birthday or any other school day.  As a class, we will acknowledge and celebrate each child’s birthday so there is no need to bring anything to school.   

Snacks and Lunches
Please send your child to school with a nutritious snack and lunch every day. There is a 10 minute nutrition break before morning recess.
We encourage students to bring recyclable containers whenever possible.
At Rick Hansen P.S. we are lucky to have a green bin program! Please encourage your child to put uneaten food (e.g., banana peels, apple cores) inside the green bin in our classroom instead of inside the garbage.

***Please keep in mind that Rick Hansen P.S. is a nut-free environment, therefore all lunches and snacks should be completely peanut and nut free.***

Gym Clothing
Our scheduled gym days are Day 1 (in the gym) and Day 5 (outdoors).  Students do not need to bring extra gym clothes to school; however, non-scuff running shoes are required (white soles).  Opportunities for outdoor physical activity will also be provided. 

Indoor & Outdoor Shoes
All students should have 2 pairs of shoes at school everyday: indoor and outdoor shoes (gym shoes may double as your child’s indoor shoes).  Students should arrive to school and leave school with their outdoor shoes on while their indoor shoes will remain at school at all times.  Please do not send lace up shoes unless your child can tie them independently.   Please do not send crocs, flip flops or dressy shoes.

Please ensure that your child has a backpack to carry to and from school each day.  The backpack needs to be large enough to hold his or her lunch, agenda, Bee Bag, and library books, as well as any work that may be sent home.

Outdoor and Extra Clothing
Outdoor play is a part of our daily program in all seasons.  Please dress your child in appropriate clothing for weather conditions.  Please put your child’s name in all clothing that she or he might take off at school (shoes, sweaters, coats, boots, etc.). Sometimes it is a good idea to put an extra pair of clothes in your child’s backpack.  If you think your child might need an extra pair of clothes (e.g., due to a bathroom accident, falling into a puddle), you might want to consider this.

Toys & Games
Toys should not be brought to school and will not be allowed into the classroom.  When students bring toys from home, they can be lost, damaged or stolen.  They can also cause misunderstandings among friends.  Outdoor toys for recess are allowed (e.g., skipping rope, soccer ball).  Please put your child’s name on all items to make sure they stay in their possession. 

The school will provide the majority of school supplies (e.g., pencils, erasers).  If you choose to send additional supplies with your child, please label them with their name.  Students may keep a pencil case or box in their backpacks.  If you would like to donate supplies to the class, gently used picture books, storybooks, or chapter books are always welcome!

Lates & Absences
Please try to be at school on time.  You should arrive to school with enough time to hear the bell and line up with the class for entry.  The entry bell rings at 9:05 am.  If you are late, you must visit the office to receive a late slip before coming to class. 
If you know that your child will be away from school, please let the office know ahead of time.  Please try to avoid any unnecessary absences because attendance at school will significantly affect your child’s education. 

Dismissal & Safety
Please ensure that your child knows who is picking them up after school.  At this time, Grade 2 classes will exit the school using the west doors (the doors that face the park and splash pad).  I will be outside with our class each day after school to ensure students are dismissed to their parents and guardians. If you are going to be late, please inform the office.   Please fill out our parent information survey so I have an up to date list of who has your permission to pick up your child.

Pride Assemblies
At the end of every month RHPS has a Pride Assembly.  Each month, a different grade hosts the assembly and focuses on a special character trait (e.g. responsibility, honestly, perseverance, etc.)  During the assembly, every homeroom teacher gives out a certificate to one student who demonstrates the character trait being celebrated each month.   These assemblies also are a way for our staff, students and community to share what is happening next in our school and also to celebrate accomplishments!

Families are welcome to attend Pride Assemblies.  I will give a few days notice to your family if your child will be receiving a certificate.   Please stay tuned for when our class will be hosting the Pride Assembly.

Reading is the most important homework you can encourage your child to do each day.  Setting aside 10 to 15 minutes of reading into your nightly routine is most beneficial to your child, as the best way to improve as a reader is to just read!  It’s also a great time to connect with your child.  This daily homework should include reading or listening to stories and practicing sight words at home. 
More information will be coming home this week about our spelling and poem/song homework.
How to Contact Me
Parent communication is incredibly important to me.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have throughout the year.  You can reach me by calling the school, writing a note in your child’s agenda, or by email. 

When returning forms and money, please ensure that it is placed securely in an envelope or Ziploc baggie with your child’s name written on it.

* Agenda and BEE Bag – for notes, money, returned forms, etc.

Phone  -  (905) 841-6225  (X. 215)
E-mail  -  suzanne.brown@yrdsb.ca
Please be aware I am not at my computer often during school hours to respond to emails.   If you wish to contact me at the beginning of the school day please call or write in your child’s agenda/note in BEE bag.

Permission forms will be sent home for our classroom website next week!

Thank you for your cooperation and your support!  I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year in Grade 2!


Ms. Brown.   J

School Schedule

Teachers on duty.  Please drop your child off in primary area. 

Entry bell Students enter through west primary doors.

9:10am -10:50am
Instructional Time – Literacy

10:50am - 11:20am
Morning Recess

11:20am -1:00pm
Instructional Time

1:00pm – 2:00pm
Lunch and lunch recess

2:00pm – 3:40pm
Instructional Time
