Wednesday 19 October 2016

October Updates!


We have started a new unit in Math- Place Value.  Here are the overall expectations we will be exploring.

Overall Expectation
  • Read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 100,
  • demonstrate an understanding of magnitude by counting forward to 200 and backwards from 50, using multiples of various numbers as starting points;

Here are some pictures of the activities we have been doing so far!


In Science, we have been learning about Simple Machines and exploring all the different types.  So far we have learned about Inclined Planes and Screws.

Overall Expectations:

1. assess the impact on society and the environment of simple machines and mechanisms;
2. investigate mechanisms that include simple machines and enable movement;
3. demonstrate an understanding of movement and ways in which simple machines help to move objects.

 Inclined Plane Experiment 

 Exploring Screws using screwdrivers and wood.

Student Portfolio

This year we will be using Student Portfolios. They are bright yellow duo tangs that I will add new rubrics, show what you knows, and any other important tasks that your child will do this year. When this yellow duo tang comes home, please review the contents with your child and have them explain what they did and how they can improve next time. Once you are finished reviewing it there is a page in the front to sign and date to say that you received and have seen it. The last page of the duo tang is a clear page protector (protective sheet). Each unit I will use this page protector to put work from a unit that is complete. Please take out the work and leave the page protector for the next unit. Thank you!

Please leave the page protector (protective sheet) in the yellow duo tang

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